
How To Set Up Anonymous Amazon Wish List

How To Make An Amazon Wish List Anonymous?

Are you worried that someone you lot know will see what you're wishing for on Amazon? Or maybe you lot don't want anyone to know what gifts you lot've purchased until afterwards they've been delivered. Either way, there'southward a way to make your Amazon wish list bearding. Here's how…

How to make an amazon wish list anonymous?

ane. Go to and choice "Create a List" from the "Accounts & Lists" carte in the upper right corner.

2. Select "Y'all" and "Wish List" in the Create a List box (to proceed your address hidden), and then provide a descriptive Listing name and a Privacy setting. Only persons with the link may access it if information technology's fix to "Private," and then I ready mine to "Public" in the hopes that someone might come across it by blow and donate. Your listing volition exist added to the Your Lists tab after you select "Create List."

3. Select "Listing settings" in the upper-correct corner, then "View details" for the list you but established.

4. Include a "Description" to depict the list'southward purpose and urge users to contribute. Here's how I did it:

Reading Partners is in need of books for their Take Reading Home program, which offers a kid a new book every fourth dimension they end the one they take. This aids in the development of a home library, which improves their reading abilities. I've added books for all ages, so please browse and buy a few that look interesting— they'll be shipped to me, and I'll deliver them to the reading middle. Cheers for your contribution to the edification of the planet!

five. Select (or add) the location where you want the books to be automatically mailed under "Aircraft Address," and then click "Save Changes."

6. Now it's fourth dimension for the heady function: virtual shopping! Consider the novels that your pupils enjoy and seek advice from your site coordinator or librarian. Then, on each volume'south Amazon folio, discover "Add to Listing" under the "Buy" block and select your Reading Partners list from the selection.

The book has been added to your list, and you tin can now continue looking for other books to add together to your collection.

7. Go to "Accounts & Lists" and choose your Reading Partners list afterward you've added a handful of books.

Copy the web accost from the URL bar; this is the link you'll share on Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, and any other social media platform. Re-create and paste the accost into a new browser window to ensure the correct wish listing appears. Hither'south how mine appears: wishlist lists 3 If your link is valid, share it with a rah-rah message that will convince your friends to donate.

I shared information technology once a day for the first few days considering individuals bank check social media at different times, but then I cut back to once a week.

Tin you remain bearding in Amazon Wish List?

That depends. If yous brand your Wish List public, so anyone who visits your contour page on Amazon can come across it. Even so, if y'all make your Wish List private, then only people you've shared the link with can view it.

To modify the privacy settings for your Amazon Wish List, go to "Your Business relationship" and select "Manage Your Content and Devices." Under "Settings for content y'all've shared with others," click on "Change who can see your Wish List." You'll have two options: "Public" and "Shared with specific people."

If yous choose "Public," then anyone who visits your profile page on Amazon volition exist able to see your Wish Listing. If y'all choose "Shared with specific people," so you'll need to enter the email addresses of the people you want to share information technology with.

It's important to note that, as long as your Wish List is public, anyone who visits your profile page on Amazon tin see information technology. So if you want to remain anonymous, yous'll demand to make your Wish Listing private.

How do I hibernate my concluding proper noun on Amazon Wish Listing?

To hibernate your last name on Amazon, first go to your list settings. On the left, click "Show list profile", then a new section will appear beneath. Click "Update this list's profile".

In that location you tin can change your proper noun to not include your final proper name. You can also remove the address entirely, which will crave anyone purchasing something off the list to enter your address.

If you want to proceed your last proper noun individual only nonetheless have people be able to purchase items from your list, you tin create a second list and add only your last name to that one. Then send the link of that list to the people y'all want to exist able to buy from you.

Can I meet who bought what on my Amazon Wish List?

Aye, yous tin can see the names and addresses of people who bought from your souvenir list. If gifters opt to share their addresses, they'll appear in the Thank you List Addresses column.

To view your thank-you list:

1. Go to Your Lists and click on the proper name of the wish list you lot want to view.

2. Click on the Thanks Listing tab.

3. The addresses of your gift recipients volition appear in the Cheers List Addresses column.

If you lot want to remove someone's address from the thank-you listing, just click on the "X" adjacent to their name.


If y'all desire to keep your Amazon Wish Listing bearding, make sure that you exercise not include your name or address in the gift list. You can still see who bought what on your list, but the names and addresses of your gifters will not be displayed.


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