
How To Set Up Duo Mobile On Iphone

Duo Mobile on iOS

Duo Mobile version 4 was released on October eleven, 2022.

Duo Mobile version 3 data remains bachelor for users on older iOS versions who can't upgrade to the latest Duo Mobile release.

View the Duo Mobile v3 iOS Guide

Duo Mobile v4 Push Prompt

The Duo Mobile application makes information technology easy to authenticate — just tap "Approve" on the login request sent to your iPhone. You can too speedily generate login passcodes, even without an net connection or prison cell service.

If you need assistance installing or using Duo Mobile, please contact your arrangement's IT Help Desk-bound or Duo administrator.


  • Changes to Duo Mobile
  • Install Duo Mobile
  • Activate Duo Mobile for the First Fourth dimension
  • Duo Push button
    • Duo Push and Notifications
    • Face ID and Impact ID
  • Apple Watch
  • Passcodes
  • Add More than Accounts to Duo Mobile
  • Security Checkup
  • Third-Party Accounts
  • Edit Accounts
  • Backup & Restore
  • Duo Mobile Advent
    • Adaptive View
    • Dark Manner
  • Settings
  • Troubleshooting
    • Push Troubleshooting

Changes to Duo Mobile

We've redesigned Duo Mobile to requite yous an updated login experience. Acquire more most what's new to Duo Mobile version 4 in this video walkthrough:

Install Duo Mobile

Find the latest version of Duo Mobile in the App Shop.

Supported Platforms: The current version of Duo Mobile supports iOS thirteen.0 and greater.

To encounter which version of Duo Mobile is installed on your device, get to the iOS Settings menu, and so scroll down and tap Duo Mobile. The "System Info" section shows the app version.

Activate Duo Mobile for the First Time

When y'all enroll in Duo for the first time and cull to add an iOS device or use Duo Push, you lot're shown a barcode to scan with the Duo Mobile app to complete activation.

Scan Barcode to Activate

Launch Duo Mobile and step through the introduction screens.

Duo Mobile First-Time Launch

To proceed with adding your initial Duo account to Duo Mobile, tap Use a QR lawmaking.

Add Account with QR Code

Apply your camera to browse the barcode shown by Duo Enrollment in your browser. If you're prompted to allow Duo Mobile permission to use your device camera, please grant it.

Scan Duo QR Code

Give the new account a name to complete adding information technology to Duo Mobile.

Name the New Duo Account

It's a good thought to take a few minutes to practice approving and denying Duo authentication requests if yous haven't used Duo before. Tap Do at present to become through some training screens like this one. If you lot feel comfortable using Duo Mobile to log in to applications yous can tap Skip.

Duo Mobile Practice

Respond to Duo Mobile fifty-fifty faster by enabling notifications. You lot'll run into new Duo Push requests when they arrive at your device, and tin can approve or deny from the notification without opening the app. Tap Permit notifications to permit notifications from Duo Mobile in iOS settings.

Enable Duo Mobile Notifications

Return to the accounts listing to exit the new account process.

Duo Mobile Activation Done

You'll see your newly-added Duo account in the accounts listing. Now you lot're able to respond to Duo Push authentication requests, or generate passcodes to log in to applications.

Duo Mobile Account List

Duo Button

If yous choose to authenticate with Duo Push button, yous'll get a login request sent to your phone — only printing Approve to cosign.

Duo Push Request on iOS

If you lot get a login request that you weren't expecting, printing Deny to turn down the request. You'll exist asked if this was a suspicious login. If you aren't trying to log into an application or service protected by Duo and don't recognize the request, tap Yes to notify your organization's Duo ambassador. If you fabricated a mistake but the login isn't suspicious, tap No to deny the request without reporting it.

Duo Mobile Deny Options

Duo Push and Notifications

You tin can respond to Duo Push button requests from the iOS lock screen or banner notification. The actions presented to you when you lot respond to the notification depend on your organisation'due south Duo policy settings, such as whether or non you can approve the login request without PIN or biometric verification.

Perform a house longpress on the Duo Mobile notification from the lock screen to reveal the "Approve" or "Deny" actions. Tap an activity and supply your passcode or biometric verification (face or fingerprint) to complete the action.

Duo Mobile Lockscreen Notification

When your screen is unlocked, long-press or swipe down on the Duo Mobile banner notification received to reveal the authentication actions.

Duo Mobile Banner Notification

On devices that practise not feature 3D Touch, swipe left on the Duo Mobile notification to reveal the actions.

Face ID and Touch ID

Your arrangement may require biometric verification when you corroborate a Duo Push button request. Y'all tin can approve Duo hallmark requests with Face ID if your device supports it.

The first time you receive a Duo Push request on your iOS device which requires biometric verification, you'll be prompted to grant Face ID permission to the Duo Mobile app. Tap OK to proceed.

Scan your face in the same style that you use to unlock your device to approve the Duo login request.

Duo Mobile Face ID Prompt

If your commencement try isn't successful, tap Try Face ID Again to scan your confront over again.

If you're not able to corroborate the login request with Face ID or if y'all did non grant Duo Mobile permission to employ Face up ID, you lot can approve the Duo authentication asking using the device's passcode.

Duo Mobile Face ID Retry Scan

If you're using a Touch ID capable iOS device you can scan your fingerprint to approve Duo authentication requests.

If yous're not able to scan your fingerprint using the Bear on ID sensor you can as well corroborate the Duo authentication request using the device'due south passcode.

Apple Sentry

Come across our Apple Watch guide.


Tap an account to get a one-time passcode for login. This works anywhere, even in places where y'all don't have an internet connection or tin't get prison cell service.

If the account is for a Duo-protected service or application (meaning you enrolled this device into Duo and activated the app for Duo Push), then the passcode shown is valid until used. Tap Refresh Passcode to generate a new Duo passcode.

Duo Passcode Generation in Duo Mobile

If the account is a tertiary-political party OTP account (significant you logged into another service like Gmail and added this device equally an authenticator app), and so you'll come across a 30 second inaugural indicator underneath the passcode. If you don't use that passcode before it expires then the account refreshes with a new passcode and the countdown begins once again.

Third-Party Passcode Generation in Duo Mobile

If yous demand to utilise the passcode shown in Duo Mobile in another mobile app tap Copy and paste it into the other app.

Add More than Accounts to Duo Mobile

To add boosted accounts to Duo mobile, tap Add together in the upper right of your accounts list to become to the account blazon selector.

Duo Mobile Account Type Selector

If the new business relationship yous want to add together shows you a QR code to scan with an authenticator app, tap Use QR code from the Add account list. Scan the barcode with your camera to add the account to Duo Mobile.

Duo Mobile Account Activation

Y'all can as well choose the blazon of account you want to add together from the listing, so cull to add that account past scanning a QR code or by entering an activation code you receive from that application. Acquire more near calculation tertiary-party accounts to Duo Mobile

Security Checkup

Duo Mobile's Security Checkup verifies device settings against Duo's recommended security settings, and lets you know if any of your device's settings don't match.

For instance, this iOS device doesn't take the latest OS update installed and doesn't have Touch ID or Face up ID enabled:

Duo Mobile Security Checkup - Issues Found

Tap on any detected outcome to learn more near that particular setting and how you tin update your device with the recommended configuration.

This iOS device has up-to-appointment software and all of Duo'due south recommended security settings configured:

Duo Mobile Security Checkup - No Issues

Tap the menu and get to Security Checkup in Duo Mobile to view your device's security status at any time.

Tertiary-Party Accounts

Duo Mobile supports passcode generation for logging in to tertiary-party TOTP accounts, like Google and Dropbox. Acquire more »

Edit Accounts

To make changes to an account in your accounts list, tap the business relationship to aggrandize it, and and so tap the three dots in the upper-right corner of the account card to bring up the account options.

Edit Account in Duo Mobile

Tap Move to reorder your accounts list (shown when you accept more than ane account in Duo Mobile). Use the upwardly or downwardly arrows shown to the left of each account's proper name (or tap and hold the icon on the right side of the account carte du jour) to alter an account's position in the list. Tap Done when you've finished reordering your accounts.

Tap Rename to alter the name of an business relationship. Enter a new name for the account and so tap Save to utilize the new proper noun.

Remove an account past tapping Delete. When you delete an account you can no longer use information technology to log in, and it's also removed from your Duo Mobile backup so you tin't restore information technology later. If you're sure you desire to remove this business relationship, tap Delete on the confirmation message. Tap Cancel if you don't want to delete the account.

Backup & Restore

Your Duo Mobile account information is backed upwardly automatically when you enable iCloud Backup on your phone or create an encrypted iTunes backup, and tin can be used to restore your Duo Mobile accounts but on the same device. These backups can't be used every bit is to migrate your Duo accounts to a new phone.

If your administrator enabled Duo Mobile's backup and restore functionality and y'all previously backed up your Duo-protected accounts from the app to iCloud or an encrypted iTunes fill-in yous can restore your accounts to Duo Mobile on a new iOS device via the guided recovery process. You can also opt-in to third-party account fill-in and recovery.

Run into the total Duo Restore guide for iOS.

Duo Mobile Appearance

Adaptive View

The accounts listing in Duo Mobile adapts to y'all. If you rotate your device into a landscape view, your Duo Mobile accounts list rotates as well.

Duo Mobile Landscape View

The private accounts shown in the list change appearance every bit well, showing the total business relationship information when you lot just have a few accounts, and switching to a minimized account view when you have many accounts to minimize scrolling in the app.

Standard and Compact Duo Mobile Account Views

Night Mode

Duo Mobile'southward dark mode depends on your iOS organization settings. There is no in-app toggle to enable dark mode. If your device has the system-wide dark setting enabled, Duo Mobile automatically switches to dark mode.

Duo Mobile Dark Mode Screens

You can enable dark mode on iOS in a few different ways:

  • Become to SettingsDisplay & BrightnessAppearance and select Nighttime.
  • Swipe down on the correct side of the screen to open Control Center. Press and agree the Brightness control to access additional options, and tap the Dark Style button.


Tap the menu icon to access additional settings. From the Settings you can enable backup of your 3rd-party Duo Mobile accounts and opt in to or out of sending Duo Mobile usage data to Duo. Review Duo Mobile privacy information at the Duo Knowledge Base of operations.


See the Common Issues guide for additional troubleshooting tips, or visit the Duo Knowledge Base. If yous aren't able to resolve your Duo Mobile result, contact your organisation'southward Duo administrator or Assistance Desk.

Push Troubleshooting

If you are logging in to a Duo-protected awarding, but you aren't receiving an expected Duo Button authentication asking, endeavor closing Duo Mobile and reopening it. Duo Mobile checks for pending button requests whenever it'southward opened. If this doesn't prepare it, see the Duo Knowledge Base of operations for boosted iOS troubleshooting steps.


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